
Sunday, January 27

Hawkins Coulter Hedger

Updates on my growing belly & growing baby boy!


  1. Hi Brianna & Ben,

    You might not remember me; we met at a sad occasion (Ben's Grandpa Hedger's funeral). I remember the two of you went out of your way to talk to me. I came across your blog while doing a little research for my family history records, trying to find the names of all of Grandma Hedger's grandchildren's spouses and great-grandchildren.

    Congratulations on your upcoming blessing! Hawkins' due date is my birthday. :) I've also enjoyed reading how you've been enjoying the Seattle area. I lived there for 21 years, but like you, am glad to be back home (Texas for me). It is a beautiful place though. Hope you enjoy your new house in Florida, have a safe journey there, and a safe and easy delivery!

    Your cousin - Amanda Pape

    1. Hi Amanda,

      So glad you found our blog. Thank you so much for your sweet words. :)

      Ben's dad started doing an ancestral search on the Hedger side. How far back were you able to find?

      Hope you're doing well!
